Every so often, the text output box displays just a blank space. Sometimes 1 second from the perivous message, sometimes a few minutes from the previous message. For example
|Me:Hey            |
|You:Hey           |
|Me:What's up?     |
|You: Nothin'      |

|Me:What's up?     |
|You: Nothin'      |
|                  |
|                  |


|You: Nothin'      |
|                  |
|                  |
|Me: wtf...        |

I find it really annoying and I must know if there is anyway to prevent these line break outputs?
Wow, my first 'Bump.'
In response to CaptFalcon33035
Relevant code please?
In response to Sinoflife
There is no relevant code. If you understood correctly, or if I typed correctly, I have no idea about what causes the problem. It just drives me crazy. Besides, if there was any relevant code, this'd be in Code Problems.
In response to CaptFalcon33035
The problem is in the code.
In response to RaditzX
RaditzX wrote:
The problem is in the code.
In response to Sinoflife
I had problems like this, but it involved pick() procs.
In response to Popisfizzy
I have no pick() procs. lol, I was really hoping this was a solution, too. <_<
In response to CaptFalcon33035
Post all your coding having to do with talking. Most likely the problem lies there.
In response to Popisfizzy

Say(o as text)
set category="Commands"
if(usr.mute) {usr<<"[Player]You are currently muted.";return}
var/msg = AddSmileys(o)
range(usr.client.view) << {"<font color=blue><b>[] says: <font color=white>[msg]</font>"}
set category="Commands"
if(usr.mute) {usr<<"[Player]You are currently muted.";return}
var/o = input("What would you like to say to everyone?","Shout") as null|text
if(!o) return
var/msg = AddSmileys(o)
world << {"<font color=blue>[]: <font color=white>[msg]</font>"}

Everything is pretty much the same as that. AddSmiley() isn't anything bad because it did this before I had that in there.