I'm trying to put javascript to use for detection of screen resolution, because I just made my screen resolution a bit higher, and it would be nice if there wasn't verb panels and statpanels under the eye of the game. I want it to be off to the side.

So, is there anyway to send the screen resolution to client/Topic() using javascript without having the player submitting it manually? I'm trying to avoid the sight of the window to the player.
If you're asking if you can move stat panels using JavaScript, no.
In response to Sinoflife
No, he's asking how to run a peice of javascript then have it send the data to the client and change client.view appropriately so the verb/statpanels appear to the right of the map (Above the text window).
In response to Holy Retribution
Yeah, thanks, I dunno what SinofLife was talking about.
In response to CaptFalcon33035
CaptFalcon33035 wrote:
Yeah, thanks, I dunno what SinofLife was talking about.
I'm braindead at themoment.
In response to Sinoflife
No one has any idea?