When you 'zone in', music appropriate for the zone you land in begins to loop.
I also would like to include sound effects that appear when you are on a given terrain feature, and shut off when you leave that turf. By way of example, let's look at the Rimwood.
Adorna //The starting area, home of the fate called Adorna
src << sound('Fates_Adorna.mid',1)//Music for her area
Adorna_Exit//The area defs for the portals out of her area
Rimwood//Area def for the Rimwood portal
Entered(client)//If you step on the portal
src << sound('Rimwood.mid',1)//Play the Rimwood theme music,
usr.homeland = "Rimwood"//Set your homeland to 'Rimwood',
usr.loc = locate(53,49,3)//and then go there.
world //Area defs for the actual world map
Rimwood //This is where I want to put my sounds and other effects.
Entered(client)//If you go into the Rimwood...
client << sound('Rimwood.mid',1)//play the Rimwood theme music.
Entered(client)//If you stand on the river . . .
src << sound('river.wav',1,,1)//You will hear it.
Okay, now here is the fun part. What I can't seem to figure out is how to shut it off. Yes I know the first variable after the sound file name is the switch that allows continuous play. It needs to keep playing while you are on the river itself. And yes, I know I could put an Exited command there to define what happens when you step off the river. What is the procedure to "shut off" a sound, and can I do this on the turf itself instead of defining an area for it?
Any help is appreciated as always.