
This only changes/flicks my players icon. How can I get it to flick the overlays as well? (Yes, they are named 'rawr' also.(The icon states for the overlays)).
Subtract the original overlay, add the new one.
In response to Sinoflife
Sinoflife wrote:
Subtract the original overlay, add the new one.
> usr.overlays-=/obj/rawr
> usr.overlays+=new/obj/rawr2

I shouldn't have to do that. flick() should work and do what it's supposed to.
The icon_state of each and every one of an atom.overlays is equal to atom.icon_state. You can't change the icon_state of an atom without changing the icon_state of its overlays. I asked this same question when I first started on BYOND.
In response to Branks
Basically meaning(for those of you who didn't catch it), changing the icon_state changes the state of all overlays to the same state. I much prefer changing icon_state than using flick as it can be tested. Like if(icon_state=="state"). After changing the state you can just use spawn to set a delay before returning to the calling state.

In response to Branks
Branks wrote:
The icon_state of each and every one of an atom.overlays is equal to atom.icon_state. You can't change the icon_state of an atom without changing the icon_state of its overlays. I asked this same question when I first started on BYOND.

Gee, that sounds familiar: [link].

Branks, when you copy and paste text from somebody else's post, you need to cite it. Otherwise, you're plagiarizing.
In response to Wizkidd0123
Wizkidd0123 wrote:
Branks, when you copy and paste text from somebody else's post, you need to cite it. Otherwise, you're plagiarizing.

A coincidence!

Heh, it could happen ;p
