
Problem description:What piece of code do i add to as kthe people who long in for their name. Like: Who do you want to be? something like that. then you enter name. like i would enter Sarg etc

Sarg338 wrote:

Problem description:What piece of code do i add to as kthe people who long in for their name. Like: Who do you want to be? something like that. then you enter name. like i would enter Sarg etc


mob/Login()"Please enter appropriate name.","Creation", src.key)as text
alert(src,"You are required to have a valid name.","Creation"); return
In response to Branks
ahhh ok thanks. sorry if that seems to eays to you. im learning to code and i know very little. also do you have a piece of code for a save and load stuff if you dont mind?
In response to Sarg338
Sarg338 wrote:
ahhh ok thanks. sorry if that seems to eays to you. im learning to code and i know very little. also do you have a piece of code for a save and load stuff if you dont mind?

Look up a couple of demo's. There are plenty of them!