At the moment, until I get the actual skill functions in my game coded, I have set them in the /obj/verbbox. In stage one of character creation the character goes through the Maze of Adorna, until finding the nation they want to call home. At the portal they select their race and move to stage two. Stage two of character development, they are in the Library of Abeth, in the Racial trainer hall. Here they pick up the Racial skills from the lists they were given when they chose their race. They get like one base skill and 5 others. Once they get these, they go through the exit portal to the class selection section of the library where they can pick the class they want, and train in it, which gives them stat bonuses, the class skills, and in some cases gear.
At the moment I am just trying to get some of the classes entered. I will add functionality to the verbs in the next couple of days. I just now added a player skill book when you log in. So as you get your 'skills', the code just sets your skill level instead of adding them to your character. This is because there are lots of different skill tabs, like combat, intrigue, craft, trade, mercantile, travel, mental, magic, etc. The player skill book has a bookmark verb that lets you pick a chapter. It displays all the verbs you have on that tab, in other words, all your combat skills, all your language skills etc.
The only thing the skills actually do at the moment is tell you what rank you are in them, but there are at current approximately 272 "verbs". I need a quick way to just strip them all from the character before the bookmark adds the right ones.
I always get good help, and thanks again for anything offered
![]() Sep 6 2005, 6:42 am