
Problem description:

i got a few questions if same one could help me with them i be very thankfull

1.)i got icons for players but i dont have codeing for like like where you cna selecct the icon you want
2.)need codeing for my build verb pleasegood AFK codeing please
3.)animal icons and codeing for liek animal adopt and you can chioce male or female and if you can get the animals to move and animals that you can pet/walk/milk/ride/feed/bath ect ect and if its ok and like give them a while if thye mate like have a baby/egg but could that be made random please and when there odl enough they die please.
4.)money codeing (perfarble europe currance)
5.)good AFK codeing please
6.)good owner codeing please (my key is Bandicoot)

if you can help me that welll be grate thanks
I can't honestly decide whether this belongs in Developer How-To or Classified Ads.

3.)animal icons and codeing for liek animal adopt and you can chioce male or female and if you can get the animals to move and animals that you can pet/walk/milk/ride/feed/bath ect ect and if its ok and like give them a while if thye mate like have a baby/egg but could that be made random please and when there odl enough they die please.

That was a really ugly, long run-on. Sounds kinda like you're requesting an artist, as well as programming.

Whether it should go in Classified Ads or Developer How-To (I think parts of it could go to each), I am pretty sure this doesn't belong in Code Problems.

As for your questions, there is no specific "codeing for like like where you cna selecct the icon you want." As a programmer, you design such programs on your own, then build them. If you read through the DM Guide and DM Reference, you will undoubtedly come across many things such as icon manipulation, switch() procs, and input() procs.

You will also find answers to other questions in these documents. They won't exactly be "To make it so players can select an icon:," or "To make money coding:," type of things, but if you learn the procedures, you can design your own systems for doing so.

In response to Hiead
Hiead wrote:
I can't honestly decide whether this belongs in Developer How-To or Classified Ads.

Most of his questions are how-to questions, hence that's where it goes. It did not belong in Code Problems, which is only for debugging existing code.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
Well, er, don't you have the power to move it, almighty Lummox? XD

In response to Hiead
Hiead wrote:
Well, er, don't you have the power to move it, almighty Lummox?

Do you think maybe that's why I already did?

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
If you had done it before I posted, I must've not noticed (though I think it probably happened sometime afterwards)

...even by my standards of poopiness that first question is like..."DUH!"

actually a lot of that seems like the materials you could readily find in the Demos and Libraries sections to the left of your screen...*thinks* dont copy paste this, learn from it coz if you don't learn you can't do :-O (i've slipped in a mistake to make sure you're paying attention ;-)

mob//you're MOBile so you're a mob...
icon = 'chara.dmi'//tell DM where to look for the chara icons just change this to you're icon file for characters
Login()//call the login proc
iconstate = gender//my prefered way but you need sep. icons for boy & girl

icon coding is probably the easiest thing you'll come across like...ever...i suggest you search the keywords to each of your questions in that box at the top of the screen while in the blue section (develepor) and you'll get some answers...(dont search in the yellow/game section - you'll only get games or at least thats what i got lol)

i'll admit now, i'm not actually too sure what you meant by "owner code" - did you mean mod/GM? theres plenty of those around too ^_^ (actually there's demos/libs around to help you do just about anything or at least give you a hint lol)

or you can always do what i do and look around the forums for help (i read past topics for answers to my questions :-D)
