-replica sword added
-nail gun added (ammo and ammo recipe)
-check while receiving missions so you don't receive duplicates
-added batteries to rewards
-loot bags now say owner name
-loot bags now match shirt color
-no longer lose morality if you loot a bag after the owner logs out
-added some crafting benches to houses (one on every block)
-buffed pump rifle chance of head shot
-buffed homemade shotty/double barrel +5 dam
-reduced one shot chance on all homemade pistols
-fixed nailed 2x4 icon bug
-brass knuckle typo fixed
-lowered chances of receiving matches for missions
-morality no longer goes below -100 when looting bags
-fixed countdown to reboot
-zombie bump crash fix (99%)
-pickup equip bug
-cash not updating after death
-player turning into fresh zombie fixed
This is an update is being released since the main content still hasn't been finished (a lot of new things). Since this is taking longer than expected I will fill everybody in on what is being added.
One main addition is being able to progress to the second safe house. This will also introduce a few more medals and more mission types - not the simple find and return. Without giving too much away there will be the addition of npc rescues and boss type enemies. These last two things are the brunt of it. This will definitely take time but will be well worth the wait.
-added long barrel revolver
-cut the chance of all gun jams in half
-fixed job bug
-altered chance of the rewards from npcs
-fixed chat bug
-check ammo at safe now shows nail gun ammo
-nail gun now shows item in hand
-replica sword now shows item in hand
-mute music with "/music"
-multicolor bandanas
Sep 23 2014, 10:22 am (Edited on Sep 30 2014, 9:50 am)
Sep 25 2014, 7:55 am
Add that you can get cloths from cabniets and things. Also, add armor to the game..
In response to R0nny
I don't know what "clothes" you are talking about, I will assume you are talking the cosmetic items? I may eventually put in a couple very rare ones for that but as of thus far that is not a high priority.
And there is armor. Talk to Tom in the safe house and you can buy a bullet proof vest for $500. I was talking to somebody the other day and I may make a dif kind that will protect you from zombies and with that i may do a 3rd version that protects from melee (may also do zombie protection). But again I have much more major things to work on at this point. |