Need help with Joining.. When i get my game up and running. On the pager, when other people try to join it won't connect... Rather it tries to connent but fails. Any Idea why? Actually might want to explain it to me on how to set it up to be sure I did it right.
maybe its the way i coded the game?
Oct 15 2005, 1:28 pm
Oct 16 2005, 6:38 am
Did you press the host Button in the bottom right of the screen?
In response to Seriphin
Yes I did .. thats why the join link is on the pager bleh .. its next day and still can't figure out why nobody can join my game.
In response to Louthin
Are you hosting with a router? behind a firewall? Many people have this problem, so it has been posted many times. Search the forums, might get better help that way.