Hi guys =D i'm here to share a resource of a prototype game that i have made and will not use anymore.

Some Player sprites :

Some Enemy sprites :

And also Npc sprites :

Hyperbolic Time Chamber :

Cell Games Pilaster :

Screenshot preview :

Thats it, feel free to use and hope u like it. Best regards TacurumiN.

WOW o.o epic!
Thanks man =D.

First post updated.
I added some ambient occlusion.

 photo 2014-092FTacurumin-00012FSala_Do_Tempo_AbitofOcculsion3_zpse84846a0.png
So, a gimp gaussian blur of a line wasn't the right way to do it? Can you be a little more specific.
GatewayRa wrote:
i don't like the crisp edges, i prefer smooth
and psyrabbit the way you've done gone about doing that is incorrect

I prefer to make smooth edges too instead of crisp, but in this game i found that the crisp looks better. Anyway, old and abandoned project.