well iv been lookin every where for sounds for DBZ but nothin i never heared i never found so if any1 has some DBZ sounds like kamehameha, galicgun etc. and others like power yells aura sounds electricty etc. so if u have any of these thats never been heard in any game send them to [email protected] plz......... thank u
google it. Dragonball midi
In response to Mysame
yea i already tried that i find sound that already been in alot of DBZ game already but imlookin for people who can actully make it them selves so i can have custom sounds for my game and of couarse if u do this u will be put the game forum.... so any one if u can make or find really goo sounds plz email me at [email protected]
In response to Oramada2025
Make it themselves? Jees, shout in a mic and it'll be fine.