hi my game(species,) is going well so far but i would like a enable/disable world chat verb for admins so that people cant talk if i turn it off. i have tried, i made it successfully but people who make a new char after i have disabled it can still chat.
Thanks in advance!
Dec 24 2005, 5:11 am
Dec 24 2005, 6:02 am
In response to Mysame
No, here is something much simpiler. He is refering to a Global Mute sort of thing, like I have. Try this.
var/global_mute = 0 //make this a global var, like so You must also put this into your worldsay command, like this. mob/verb/Worldsay(T as text) |
In response to Pyro_dragons
Looks more stupid though XD lol jk =p