Jan 12 2006, 5:03 pm
ok i need to make admin verbs :edit[hp,streangth,defence,gold],boot,mute,unmute. and i need the stat panel to have : Hp,streangth,defence,Experiance,Experiance to go(50 then double each level),and gold. now for the command pannel i need to have the verb's whisper (all whispers to have a copy sent to the host me),say(sent to all of the people in the world),fight(has to have lvl1 goblin[give's 50 exp and 50 gold 40 hp] and lvl10 dragon[give's 1000 exp and 4000 gold 200 hp].i know alot of things to want? big code to help with? hey thats not even the flour for the huge cake of a game im baking but thats all i need from alllll of you gaming expert's that are out to help those little minded game makers (me) I can imagin it now when people check this out to see what it is everyone will go like this "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA CANT THIS JOKER CODE??" and ill be like "Nooo :(" and none will help me like always..anyways thanks for readin
In response to Pyro_dragons
ok but will they 'work' like if i put the edit Hp verb will it really edit the hp?
I started reading through half of that then stopped for 2 reasons. One reason, it hurt my brain to read any further. The other, you need to read the DM guide and don't ask for custom code to fit specifically with your game. I really do suggest you read the DM guide because apparantly you don't know what you're doing.
In response to VolksBlade
Yes. Set ctaegory just puts it in a statpanel. It doesn't change anything.
In response to Pyro_dragons
ok i just tryed your code
set category = "Admin" and it didnt work it set up an error like this roman Category : bad variable |
In response to VolksBlade
You used a capital C instead of lowercase.
In response to Artemio
no thats the error i didnt put a upper-case C in the code i put lower-case c
In response to VolksBlade
Show us. I've never had that problem before. It must be you. You put something somewhere where it shouldn't.
Its should look likwe this: mob/verb/Mute(mob/player/M in world) That will do it correctly. |
In response to VolksBlade
Perhaps it'd be good if you showed the bit of code you're using it with, and if you could look up set category in the reference, that'd be good too.
In response to Pyro_dragons
what would i put in the the part of the code that says's (typesof(/admin/verbs)) for a edit code for hp streangth defence and gold?
var/list/Staff = list("(insert either your name or your char name here)")<dm/> |
In response to Pyro_dragons
cool thats out of the way
In response to VolksBlade
Okay, apparantly you don't know what you're doing. Read the DM guide, and please use <dm></dm> tags when you post code. The code you posted was irrelevant.
In response to Pyro_dragons
ok when i added
var/list/Staff = list("(insert either your name or your char name here)") |
In response to VolksBlade
First off, change the insert char key thing to either your chars key or name. Second, it should be:
Don't put the s on the end. Whatever line it says the indentation error is on, check the one above it, and see if the spacing is right. Also, you cpou pasted didn't you. If you did, AND YOU SHOULD NEVER EVER DO THAT, then of course the spacing is wrong. It was done with spaces, not tabs. you can't tabs spaces in the forum. |
Works for all verbs. Just choose the name of the category, and it will put 'em there.
Now, assuming only you want to have the admin verbs, you'll need to do this.
You'll just have to mod this to what you called them.