After some API tracing, we discovered that what the compiler does was for most the compile was poking around in the filesystem and constantly checking the current timezone in the registry.
With minimal FILE_DIR defines the compile takes precisely 2 minutes.
With no FILE_DIR defines at all (pulling resources from the RSC) the compile takes 50 seconds.
This seems like it could use a bit of optimization.
Sep 13 2014, 1:11 pm
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Yeah, I admit that when we instituted FILE_DIR we had no idea people would be making projects so large. I'm sure we can come up with a way to cache the paths so that little checking has to be done. I'm not sure what is going on with the timezone but we'll look into it.
Maybe the timezone thing is related to checking if files are from the "future" or not... but not properly working?
Can FILE_DIR be deprecated altogether (w/ a converter to refactor existing code)? Unless I'm mistaken it only leads to bad coding habits. IMO paths to resources should always be provided in full (relative to the project folder), not "guessed" by the compiler.