I am not limiting this to pixel art, I want to see different types of art if you have others. LET'S HAVE FUN!!!
Here is my example:
The left is my old Canti sprite from FLCL. (2008) This sprite is so old its from back in the PAS/BAS days and the MonkeyDidIt helped with it.The right is two versions I recreated with my new style and color choices.
I even have the original post:
http://www.byond.com/members/ Akto?command=view_post&post=258041&first_unread=1&hl=Canti&h la=Akto
I decided to remake the characters from my first 2 games respectively.
The girl is from my first game made for a contest in under 5 days, although I got some help it still was kinda stressful to finish lol. It was almost a year ago (damn time flies...).
And the ghostlike fella is from a platformer which it's still today a broken mess.