Problem description:Basically I am making this blood power ability. So a blood pool drops, then a 2x2 pixel object get spawned. This object moves 2 pixels then drops a new object of itself at its old location. This makes look like a trailing blood pool is trailing and following a player that is targeted. So my question is spawning so many little objects close together enefficient? i know its not the best way but it sure is the easiest art wise
![]() Sep 11 2014, 2:10 pm
Best response
Depends on if you're letting the 'blood' stay or are deleting it after so long. A simple adjustment to the Move() proc could just spawn a new obj in every time it moves, then you could easily delete the obj after x amount of time. Honestly, if your intention is to have a mob bleed, I would have a prob([amount bleeding]) arg to the Move() proc of the mob and spawn in blood drops according to that. I would give some variety in the shape and size of blood that spawns down and despawn the obj representing the blood. Giving the blood a random pixel offset would cause a nice effect. You could also make a bleed proc and use the same prob() method to cause the mob to bleed over time. This could cause a 'pool' effect with the blood when the player stays still. Depending upon the purpose of the blood, you could give it variables, like 'DNA', to make it more RP-friendly. Still, despawning the blood after so long <s>would</s>should prevent any sort of efficiency issue.
Awww, either I forget what the strike tag is or my phones <> brackets aren't html brackets. Imagine would being crossed out and should being next to it, if you would.
When it comes to efficiency, does the game require the blood drips in order to function normally? If not, you can probably get away with just adding bloodstains onto the sprite of whatever's wounded or bleeding.
If it's a game with CSI elements like NAH was suggesting, then they would most certainly be useful. Otherwise, I'd skip adding flavour elements to the game until the final polish. That way you get an accurate benchmark for your core systems and if it's up to par with where it needs to be, then you can start adding fluff. |