um im wondering how to get new icons u just got and add them to the map i've been tryin to do this for the past 2 days and i still cant figure it out will some1 plz respond to this ty
Can you explain what you mean, and perhaps use periods after your sentences?
In response to KirbyRules
Can you speak english?
Well, considering I am in a good mood, I will first direct you to these links. DM Guide,DM Reference,Tutorials,Demos, and Libraries. Using those links you could probally answer 95 % of the questions you will probally ask in your new coding experiences.

Now to answer your question, simple include it in your environment, or folder I should say. Then make a turf,obj,mob, or area for it, and define its icon and/or icon_state.

Notice the several ways you can accomplish the following.
Also notice my use of (')'s and (")'s. "'s go around icon_states as
(')'s go around icon files.

turf //Define a turf
icon = 'grass.dmi' //Define default /turf/grass icon to grass.dmi.
icon_state = "dark" //Define icon_state to "dark" of /turf/grass/dark
icon_state = "dark" //Define icon_state to "light" of /turf/grass/light
New() //Lets say you want to randomly pick an icon and icon_state
..() //at runtime.
src.icon = pick('dirt.dmi','icons/dirt2.dmi') //Using the pick proc, choose between
//dirt.dmi and dirt2.dmi in the subfol-
//der icons.
icon_state = pick("1","2","3") //Again using the pick proc, randomly
//choose from the icon_states "1","2"
//and "3".
obj //Define an obj, or object
icon = 'icons/tree.dmi' //Define default /obj/tree icon to tree.dmi located in the
big //subfolder icons.
icon_state = "big" //Define the icon state of /turf/tree/big.
icon_state = "small" //Define the icon state of /turf/tree/big.
mob //Define a mob, or mobile
icon = 'icons/mobs/Dan.dmi' //Define default of mob/Dan to Dan.dmi located in the
icon_state = "old" //sub-subfolder icons/mobs.
icon_state = "young" //Define the icon state of /mob/Dan/youngdan
icon = 'Tom.dmi' //Define Tom.dmi as the icon for /mob/Tom.
area //Define an area
icon = 'areas/noWalk.dmi' //Define noWalk.dmi in the subfolder areas
Jail //to be the icon of /area/noWalk.
icon = 'Jail.dmi' //Define Jail.dmi to be the icon of /area/Jail.
icon_state = "Jail_Area" //Define the icon state of /area/Jail.
Hope I helped quite a bit, if you have any questions please do ask.
I am assuming you know how to put them on the map, if not ask on that too.

Again, hope I was helpful. Post your questions.
