Though this isn't really related to coding in general, I coulden't think of a better place to put it, so i'll post it here.
Does anyone have any idea where I might be able to find a copy of the Blue Book for purchase over the net? I can't seem to find it anywere on the hub. Thanks to anyone who can help.

Also, in resolve to my recent three week abscence, ignore it, I'll most likely be back in full in a few weeks.
I'd like to go ahead and point you on your way to .

I don't know as to whether the ordering option is still available, but it has a link to a free online addition that I'm assuming works fine.

In response to Hiead
Well, I've already found that, but it re-directs me to this page:

Which according to the message, will not accept orders. Also, since its for a friend, I need to order the actual book rather than the online version.

Anyone else know any other ways to purchase this( like an address i can mail the money to?)
In response to Yattasparagus
You can always print out the online version.
In response to Mega fart cannon
Technically I'd rather just order it. My printer prints red, plus it would take, in my opinion, way to long. Besides, if i can, I also plan on ordering one or two other things from the BYOND store.
In response to Yattasparagus
sorry to bump this, but I've only got one night to get a reply for this, and I really need it answered.
In response to Yattasparagus
The only other method that seems plausible is to get into contact with Tom, and ask him if he'll sell you a copy. From what I've heard, there's been special cases where he's sold the Blue Book out to single-users who've asked. But if you're on as much of a time constraint as is apparent by your post, it doesn't seem plausible that you would be able to pull this off that quickly.

In response to Hiead
I thank you for that suggestion Hiead. Once I am fully returned to BYOND, I shall contact Tom. In the mean time however, I'd like to thank you and MegaFartCannon for your suggestions. Expect to see me back on BYOND in a month or two.(I've got a large problem going on that will prevent access to my computer in general, for at least a few more weeks) Hope to cya all soon!
