i have tried every demo but i can get it to work for me. Also how do u make a start up page
for saving, you can try using Deadrons Character Handling if your really stuck. all you need to do is download the library (search it, i'm too lazy to find the link for you XD) then include it in your project.

startup page? do you mean Title Screen? do you mean hub? i can't help much with this but if you mean Title Screen:
turf //this can be obj as well - doesnt make sense to make it a mob though
//not sure if it can be an can try it out if you want..
startbutton //self explainitory..
icon = 'ts.dmi' //if you have an entire icon file for just the start button (why?) then just put the name of
//it here and ignore icon_state
icon_state = "start" //else pick out the one you need
Click() //when clicked..
src.loc=locate(1,1,1) //..locate them to a desired location ^_^
//you can also call any character creation procs in this part instead of just locating them ^_^
loadbutton //guess ^_^
icon = 'ts.dmi'
icon_state = "load"
//call your loading stuff here
quitbutton //not needed, i just like to include Quit
icon = 'ts.dmi'
icon_state = "quit"
Click() //when this one is clicked
world << "[src] has logged out"
del(src) //it logs the usr out
//in the quitbutton part you can also just call Logout() ^^

Then just place them on a (preferably) sealed off area (so ppl can't walk on it ^_^;)
I'll warn you now, this snippet is untested (i don't have a title screen yet ^^;) but there's a few demos on BYOND that can help you out here.

..this is about the time someone points out how wrong that snippet is XD

if you meant "how do you make a hub page?" then you need to:
1. Click your name in the top corner
2. Click "Your Hub"
3. Click "New Hub Entry"
4. Fill in the form
5. In your dm file, put this..thing:
world //this makes it a world variable
hub = "Yourname.Yourgame"
//someone more knowledgable can tell you this parts exact purpose..i don't actually know it.
//All i know is you need it =P

You should be provided with the exact thing to enter somewhere in the process of filling in the forms ^_^

I hope I helped, at least somewhat, if you haven't picked up yet I'm not too good at this. Let me know if you need more help and I'll try to help you =) (though someone else will probably point out the snippet i gave you's probably useless =P)

In future, can you try be a little clearer what you mean? Please and thank you's.
In response to JMT
i tried to make the title page but it took me strait to the game
In response to Mxjerrett
Cause you have to put:

src.loc = locate(put the coordinates of the title here)