how do you make an item list of items up for sale with more than three items?
Xkirby2 wrote:
how do you make an item list of items up for sale with more than three items?

You use input(), naturally. alert() was never designed for lists of any kind, even if it's just 2 items. alert() is designed for urgent messages, and yes/no or yes/no/cancel questions.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
So basicly like this:

//blah. put whatever here
varname = input("text here") in listname

In response to KirbyRules
as null|anything in list.
In response to Artemio
Artemio wrote:
as null|anything in list.

Aye, that's very important. Always leave a cancel option and always do it this way, unless there's some overriding reason why cancellation would be a bad thing.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
And on the plus-plus side, having a cancel button means that input boxes with only one other option still show.