Like ClanDBGT2 were you are jumping at like 10 tiles a second or like that? You know were you are jumping tiles really fast.
Use the atom/loc var.
In response to Artemio

No way, I think that will skip the whole turf.Entered() process and sach. Rather, use locate() in mob.Move().
In response to CaptFalcon33035
If someone could just give me the code that would make it alot easyer because i havint done anything like that.
In response to Elite16
That's the thing. We don't give codes for no good reason.
In response to Mysame
Mysame wrote:
That's the thing. We don't give codes for no good reason.

If you want to know something then look through the manual, then try it urself many different ways, then if you still have troubles then ask us
In response to Budboinker
And why the heck did you quote my message?
In response to Mysame
because i agree with you
In response to Budboinker
Bah, I've tried it before its just gettign nerve raking, and if your not helping than don't reply to the post. In other words if you can't or arent helping than please don't reply. I have tried it a few times and i can't get it to work now if no one can help just don't say anything.
In response to Elite16
No offence but that was really rude.

if(src.dir == NORTH)
src.y += 10
if(src.dir == SOUTH)
src.y -= 10
if(src.dir == EAST)
src.x += 10
if(src.dir == WEST)
src.x -= 10

That's what I would do. You would just have to add the diagonal movement though.
In response to KirbyRules
Wouldn't have done that, Kirby.
At the poster, how do we KNOW you've tryed? Give us an example of what YOU'VE done and we'll HELP your to get YOURS working. Got it?
In response to KirbyRules
Lolzors, that's not what I meant by using locate() in par with mob.Move() if that's where you got the idea from.


But, that's the long way. I'd use spawn() and have the proc called again so that the character would move faster, not skip a buttload of spaces.

In response to Mysame
That's very bad forum behavior, Mysame. That was very mean, especially all the capitolized words in there. Perhaps you should just help him.
In response to CaptFalcon33035
Falcon, look around. Everone is asking how to do the most easy thing. Sometimes they really don't know, and I help them. But when I see them making 6 topics, and haveing a problem with the code they copy/pasted of the forum, I'm really berserk. All they do is copy/paste anyway.

For example; this guy said he TRYED it. Why didn't he show us the code he had, and then tell us what he needed to do to make it work? Doesn't make sense, so I'm practically forced to incline that he didn't try anything at all.
In response to Mysame
Mysame wrote:
Sometimes they really don't know, and I help them.

And he seriously doesn't know? I recall you not being able to do the most simplest things before. That's true for everyone.

But when I see them making 6 topics, and haveing a problem with the code they copy/pasted of the forum, I'm really berserk. All they do is copy/paste anyway.

I don't see 6 different topics, do you? Did he provide any code? This is Developer How-To, you don't show any code here, otherwise it'd be in Code Problems. And they do not always Copy and Paste. I've fixed something you made before, remember? It was full of code copied and pasted from the forum, so it can't always be a bad thing since you've done it, hmm?

For example; this guy said he TRYED it. Why didn't he show us the code he had, and then tell us what he needed to do to make it work? Doesn't make sense, so I'm practically forced to incline that he didn't try anything at all.

You're most absolutely correct. He most likely did not try it, but it doesn't excuse the fact that you posted that seemed a tad bit mean. We're not trying to discourage, we're trying to encourage. You should've just directed him to some documents, like the DM Guide.
In response to CaptFalcon33035
I did stupid things myself, we all did, so the best thing we can do is slap them out of it. And Falcon, of course he doesn't know. I meant that he didn't try (first sentence). When someone DID try however, I gladly help them. When someone says 'If you don't help me, don't post', yet some people directed them in the good way, that's .. Yeah. I remember helping someone by directing him to a proc, and the topicstarter was being rude to me because "I didn't help him by supplying him full code". Anyways, this problem is fixed, let's lock the topic, I'd say.
Not sure if anyone else helped, but I didn't feel like digging through that pile of posts.
atom/movable/proc/MultiMove(dir, moves)
. = 0
for(var/index = 1 to moves)
T = get_step(src, dir)
. = 1
. = -1

That's the easiest way to do it while still keeping all of the movement checks in place. Also, it returns -1 instead of 1 on a successful move if that move did not go the full distance, just incase you ever need to know if the move was successful but not complete.

If you then wanted to have a variable for players that let them access this fast movement, you could change client/Move to call that function instead of mob/Move as needed.
mob/var/fast_move = 0
client/Move(loc, dir)
var/D = get_dir(mob, loc)
return mob.MultiMove(D, mob.fast_move)

If you wanted NPCs to be able to use it too, then you would just have to work it into your AI functions, since altering client/Move will have no effect on them.
In response to KirbyRules
Thank You.
In response to Mysame
Wow, I havint a clue on how to get that to work inside my code
set category = "GameMod"
if(src.dir == NORTH)
src.y += 10
if(src.dir == SOUTH)
src.y -= 10
if(src.dir == EAST)
src.x += 10
if(src.dir == WEST)
src.x -= 10

I tried that but it says that set category = "GameMod" isint allowed in another proc.
In response to Elite16
Take a look at my initial reply; it's more robust - not so prone to bugs and unintended side effects.