I'm very new to any kind of coding at all and I have been somewhat successful in creating a simple Text MUD. HOWEVER I have issues getting objects, npcs, etc to spawn. If anyone has advice remember I know NOTHING.

Tahnks in advance
To spawn? You make them and put them on a map o.o
Like so;
obj//Define that it's an object
Guy//It's a Guy!
icon='guy.dmi' //His icon file
icon_state="guy" // If he has an icon_state (the 'name' of the icon inside the iconfile), add it here
verb/Talk() // Add a verb to him, the verb Talk().
set src in oview(1) // you'll see the verb when you're standing 1 tile away from him
usr<<"[src] says; Hi!" // This will say "Guy says; Hi" to whoever that used the verb, the [src] here means the object, thus Guy

Then you make a map (ctrl+n) and make a Map file, and put him on it, it's that simple.

There are PLENTY of tutorials out there, check under Recources -> Tutorials. Also, read the DM guide, as confusing as that huge thingy is, it's really helpfull.

PS; Ashamed? Get a hold of yourself. Atleast you ASK us how to do certain things. Most people go out, steal a code they don't understand, and say 'zomg look at me 100% original game lololo'.
In response to Mysame
Well, he says he is making a text MUD, which implies that there isn't a map (assuming that I'm assuming correctly, and he is making a pure text MUD and not a text-mode MUD), so this sort of thing becomes a bit more complicated than just plopping something down on the map...

As for help, we'll need a bit more information about the problem... What are you trying? What doesn't work about it? etc...

As for being ashamed, like Mysame points out, don't be... We all started somewhere...
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
Oh? I thought he said he MADE a text mud already o.o; My Mistake ^^;