I do not know where to put my values of the dex and speed stat. In other words like u make str put up dmg by doing
var/dmg = rand (1,10)+usr.str - M.def.
But how do u make dex put up ur probability of hitting a monster go up when put it up?
and how do u make speed decrease the monster's probability (or player's if monster has agi) of hitting something?
Should i put the values in my attack command or wat?
I don't know, so i hope you guys could help! Thank You for any help you can give me.
Feb 28 2006, 5:19 am
Feb 28 2006, 5:43 am
if(prob(usr.dex-M.speed)) // If the probability is ...
In response to Mysame
Thanks for all the help ^^ I really Apreciate it!