After having the user put in thier race id like them to select thier class. Selecting a class adds a few points to hp, str, ect. I'm stuck tho as how to do it. i tried doing something like
switch(input("Please choose your class") in list("paladin"))
character +=1 /mob/var/hp
But that doesnt seem to work. Here is my code.
var/charactername = input("Please choose a name" , src.key)
switch(input("Please choose your class") in list("human","wood elf", "half elf","barbarian","Comunian","dwarf","gnome","kenian"))
character = new /mob/human() // make char human
if("wood elf")
character = new /mob/wood_elf() //make char elf
if("half elf")
character = new /mob/half_elf() // make char half elf
character = new /mob/barbarian() // make char barbarian
character = new /mob/comunian() // make char comunian
character = new /mob/dwarf() // make char dwarf
character = new /mob/gnome() // make char gnome
character = new /mob/kenian() // make char kenian = charactername
src.client.mob = character //change player to race
switch(input("Please choose your class") in list("paladin"))
character +=1 /mob/var/hp
Mar 1 2006, 6:30 pm
In response to Artekia
I'll try that. thanks
Should i put switch(input("Please choose your class") in list("paladin")) if("paladin") src.hp+=1 before or after = charactername src.client.mob = character del(src) |
In response to Punkitten
And make del(src) into del(character). |
In response to Artekia
Humm..ok well it compiled. By when i run after entering the race the map disapears along with the stat pannels :/
Sorr yim being a pain but im still learning lol. |
In response to Punkitten
Please use
<dm> mob/create_character Shortened, added '..()' (VERY important!), fixed some usr abuse (check input()). |
In response to Mysame
Hum..I'm so confused lol
Do i start a new switch statement for the class selection? What does at a= and b= do? and new b? |
In response to Punkitten
You need to understand how objects work.
/mob/paladin/ is a type path, and is not something actually physically IN the world. You can CREATE a physical entity by doing something like this:
new /mob/paladin/()
If you want to do anything to that particular entity, you'll need a variable to reference it by: var/mob/paladin/P = new() Now 'P' will be how you can identify that particular paladin. You can then tweak its variables: P.hp += 1 |
In response to Alathon
Thanks I will try that. I'm stil learning the language. I forgot to note that i have some other relate code on a diffrent list so it doesnt get to bundles up I have
// character races mob/human hp = 10 str = 10 dex = 10 int = 8 ac = 2 mob/wood_elf hp = 10 str = 8 dex = 8 int = 10 ac = 2 mob/half_elf hp = 10 str = 9 dex = 8 int = 8 ac = 2 mob/barbarian hp = 12 str = 10 dex = 12 int = 5 ac = 3 mob/comunian hp = 8 str = 8 dex = 8 int = 12 ac = 1 mob/dwarf hp = 8 str = 10 dex = 10 int = 7 ac = 2 mob/gnome hp = 8 str = 8 dex = 8 int = 10 ac = 2 mob/kenian hp = 12 str = 10 dex = 10 int = 8 ac = 3 mob Stat() statpanel("Stats") stat("Health: [hp]") stat("Strength: [str]") stat("Dexerity: [dex]") stat("Intelligence: [int]") stat("Armor Class: [ac]") statpanel("Inventory",usr.contents) statpanel("Spells") |
In response to Mysame
Some people need to figure out how to display the <dm> tags in plain text. Here's how you do it.
<dm> which will turn out as <dm>. < is the ASCII representation for the < symbol and > is the ASCII representation for the > symbol. You can find a full list here. |
In response to Punkitten
Hm...well it skips over the class selection completely. It doesnt even ask what class id'd like to be. I think im going to told off of that part till i learn some more about the lnaguage
In response to Punkitten
Well there are plenty of tutorials to been found at byond. There are also a few more that i have made found at
In response to The Riddler
Riddler, though some of them are filled with usr abuse / src abuse (in verbs! :| ) and boolean variables. I suggest that you remake those all again. :/
In response to The Riddler
You also handle the hosting tutorial horribly.
In response to Mysame
thxs for the feedback! I will change some them! especial the verbs one. I uploaded the rong tutorial. I made a mess of that one!
character +=1 /mob/var/hp