icon = 'Player.dmi'
icon_state = "Jacket"
layer = 56
icon = 'Player.dmi'
icon_state = "BlackLegs"
layer = 55

mob/Brute//Defines a /mob/NPC
icon = 'Player.dmi'
hp = 80//different health than the main mob
defence = 2
attack = 7
attackzone = 1
npc = "Yes"
cash = 20

To save time iconing, I am looking for a way to add overlays to a NPC.

I tried to do it myself, but saying that is overlays are (stuff) don't work, like this...
overlays = new/obj/Jacket

So multiples won't work either.
overlays = new/obj/Jacket;new/obj/Black_Shorts
//Also, a "," was used. It didn't work.

Can I get help on this?
Sigh.. Did you really read ANY tutorials OR ATLEAST the DM Guide at ALL?
Look up New() (F1 or reference). Don't forget parent proc.
In response to Mysame
I rely on the DM guide all the time, but you could say I got the memory of a spastic dumbass.
To add things to overlays, you need to add them to the

overlays += whatever

However, you can only do this sort of thing within a proc (not just in the mob's definition) New() works wonders for this...