icon = 'Player.dmi'
icon_state = "Jacket"
layer = 56
icon = 'Player.dmi'
icon_state = "BlackLegs"
layer = 55
mob/Brute//Defines a /mob/NPC
icon = 'Player.dmi'
hp = 80//different health than the main mob
defence = 2
attack = 7
attackzone = 1
npc = "Yes"
cash = 20
To save time iconing, I am looking for a way to add overlays to a NPC.
I tried to do it myself, but saying that is overlays are (stuff) don't work, like this...
overlays = new/obj/Jacket
So multiples won't work either.
overlays = new/obj/Jacket;new/obj/Black_Shorts
//Also, a "," was used. It didn't work.
Can I get help on this?
Look up New() (F1 or reference). Don't forget parent proc.