Mar 7 2006, 2:09 am
I am a person who used to love programming in html but i began to wonder is it possible to embed your game into your webpage(like a flash game does) and if they dont have byond downloaded it will ask them to download byond.
Mxjerrett wrote:
I am a person who used to love programming in html Curious, because HTML has nothing to do with programming. You merely write HTML. Programming involves instructions, data in, data out. HTML is just formatting text for presentation. Lummox JR |
In response to Lummox JR
html can be used to embed stuff i know that but its hard to figure out if its possible i think it may since i have it in my file manager
In response to Mxjerrett
Mxjerrett wrote:
html can be used to embed stuff i know that but its hard to figure out if its possible i think it may since i have it in my file manager Yes, you can embed stuff with HTML, but that doesn't involve programming. Lummox JR |
In response to Lummox JR
i was thinking about having it all in my file manager and embeding it into my site.
DMCGI, on the other hand, can generate HTML using DM. Obviously it's not like an average BYOND game, but- y'know.