Okay, so I have downloaded byond... go to view the help and get an error (error msg, could not open file, http://localhost/D:Program) and my browser jumps to a blank page and (note my browser does not do this w/ANY other program when calling html help or an external link)

I also have no specific information in my help file (topic by topic) it's all blank..

I am an experienced programmer / graphic artist and have spent a WHILE looking for some sort of sytanx rules for the programming language to no avail..

I don't visit any sites that contain broswer hijackers etc so dunno what it could be... I am scanning my browser now (for stoopidity's sake) and hoping with all my neurons that it helps...

it looks as tho help may be in html format... any way someone could post a direct link mebee?

tanks a bunch.. sorry for the noob post.. I HAVE looked around, just getting frustrated iz all...

i know the DM reference is there.. really just need something with syntax rules...

cj o.O
No need to put the topic in caps...
Anyhow, for coding: DM Guide.
For your problem; google for 'Lavasoft ad-aware'. Alos, try installing AVG (virusscanner, for if you've got Norton.. (Norton blows!)).

Also, if you're using IE (Internet Explorer) as a browser, consider using one of these... (Euh, firefox?) (opera!)