Mar 19 2006, 7:30 am
i need to know how to make a shop keeper with certain items that never run out and that colect's money and sends it strait to the owner (me) how do i do it? please tell me PLEASE.
Mar 19 2006, 7:38 am
You read the guide, really. This is basic.. :/
In response to Mysame
ok, make a verb that starts the buying prossess
use a switch(input( to set up the list, then, use if() statements to do the rest. simple.(if you dont know the switch() or input() procs, look them up) |
In response to Albire
this is a map of what you must do
step1: mob/shopkeeper, icon ect and items step2: var/a = input(usr,"what will you buy?")in list("nothing","hammer","pc","atari") step3:take money, for(var/mob/M in world); if(M.key == owner), += money taken |