The compiler now has progress indicators in both the command-line and Dream Maker versions of the tool. Additionally, Dream Maker's object tree generates and updates substantially faster.
Applies to:Dream Maker
Status: Resolved (516.1656)

This issue has been resolved.
Currently, whenever the user initiates a compile or a clean compile, it will show the message 'Compiling...' in the information bar. However, this is not very much information, and rather large projects (especially on less-powerful computers, such as mine) may take a lengthy time to compile. Because of this, I request a progress bar also be added to the interface to show how much progress has been made in the compilation. I'm not 100% certain as to how easy or how hard this is, however. Is this possible? And if so, may we have this as a feature?
Please let this happen.

+1 +1 +1
+1, this sounds handy. Whenever your hands are not full with the web client you should consider this. Until then, no need to rush.
This would be very difficult to implement.

By nature, compilation is a process of unknowns. It's never all that clear how much remains to compile. To do this would require the following:

1) DM would first have to make a scan pass of the files it knows to compile, to look for includes, and then get a line length for each file so it could approximate how far along the parser was. Effectively this would be a pre-parse, increasing compile time.

2) While parsing the file, it would have to report that it's on file #N, line #M, so it could estimate how far along in the parsing process it was. Maps would have to figure into this too.

3) Generating code is a separate step, so it's unclear how the time for this would be factored in along with parse time to get a total estimated progress. However while generating, the builder would have to do something similar to the parser and report on each node so that it can (very roughly!) estimate how far along it is. Before generating, it would have to get a rough count of the number of nodes it would traverse.

A lot of the other processes like compiling resources are not time-intensive, but the parsing and generation steps would be very hard not only to reconcile with each other in terms of their contribution to total progress (ideally approximating estimated time), but also hard to measure individually.
Lummox JR resolved issue (Not Feasible)
For the time being, is there at least any way to output some sort of "progress so far" number? Even if it's meaningless between codebases, for people working on one codebase they could look at it and think "Okay, it's at , but usually the compile finishes somewhere around ..."
In response to Topkasa
It sounds like it would be more feasible to have something simple such as "[x]/[y] files compiled," if that's even worth any effort.
I think, due to how DM handles includes, that it doesn't actually work that way? I was under the impression the entire system just compiled the .dme, and that branched out to all the selected code files via the #includes in it.
In response to Topkasa
With DM, you can define variables in later files (or later in the same file), after you call / modify them. It's a bit more complicated then linear compilation.~
Lummox JR resolved issue with message:
The compiler now has progress indicators in both the command-line and Dream Maker versions of the tool. Additionally, Dream Maker's object tree generates and updates substantially faster.

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