A few days ago i played "The Mega-Trippy BYOND FPS" by Gakumerasara, and I was wondering...
How did he/she do that?
Does anyone know how to make a FP view?
Plenty demos out there. ... Okay, 'plenty' is a big word, but still some really great "3D" / Isometric demos / librarys / guides. Might want to use the handy white space called "Forum Search", too.
There is a library that does that lurking on the HUB somewhere, search "Isometric View" or something like that.

Onefishdown's demo's download link doesn't work.
Shadowdarke's Isometric demo is not what I'm looking for (I guess)

Does anyone know how to code a First-Person Mob View thing?
Gooseheaded wrote:
A few days ago i played "The Mega-Trippy BYOND FPS" by Gakumerasara, and I was wondering...
How did he/she do that?
Does anyone know how to make a FP view?

You don't. The only instances where something like that has been done, it's been with complex icon operations and a lot of bandwidth. It isn't possible to make such a game because 1) it'd by no means be fast, and 2) multiplayer is impossible because it would choke the living crap out of any connection. Only some slow proofs of concept have been done, but nothing that'll ever be doable as a full game.

BYOND is not, and never will be, 3D. Isometric you can do, and in the future I hope we'll have much better support for it. If you want to make a true 3D game, though, BYOND is not the right tool for the job.

Lummox JR