Apr 23 2006, 5:47 am
I want to have more than one stat panel... How would I do that? (I used to know how..) I want an inventory stat and a stat panel...
In response to PirateHead
Sorry =(, but i did use F1 and it's not giving me what I want...
In response to Speedro
mob/Stat() There you go -_- |
In response to Chrisman767
That for() loop is HIGHLY redundant
In response to Mysame
Yeah, I know I'm half asleep, but if your using it to seperate Inventory from Magic like I do in some of my projects it is somewhat useful.
In response to Chrisman767
I'd just make another list then, like magiccontents.
To answer your question, you make two statpanels the same way you make one: the statpanel() proc.
You won't get any more answers out of me unless you can learn to ask smart questions.