how do you take this png (i think it's a png) and make it into several icons and use it for a (place where you see while your choosing your charactor) thing

file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Jeremy%20Lewis/ My%20Documents/My%

gah i forgot how to make it where the pic's show dang it.
Not sure what you mean upload the picture to imageshack or something like that then show it
In response to A.T.H.K
dang..i dont have anything that can do it, and every time i try to upload the pic it comes up and a small blank square thing with an x in the middle of it
Do a forum search for posts about accessing png files as icons, and specifically those that talk about using them for multi-tiled objects. It can be easily adapted.

Or, if this thing is static, you can do it even easier yet. Just set an object on the map in the desired place and set the icon for the object to the png file at compile-time.

Using something like that, you would just put an obj/screen in the map file.