how can i code my game so i can run it from my hub
Before I go into answering your question, I am to warn you that your hub entry currently only has one game, which is a DBZ game (and quite possibly a rip).
I warn you that by "creating" this DBZ game you will contribute to the spam of the Unpublished Games folder, as well as ruin your own reputation as a coder; you'd be better off creating something original than a dead fan game.

Assuming you'll want to run the game under your Dragonball Z hub entry, you can use the following code to make it so:

It would also be wise to change your hub entry to make world authentication possible. To do this, tick the "require authentication for live games" checkbox on your hub entry. You can tick the "generate a random hub password for me" checkbox to generate a random hub password for you, which you can just copy/paste. You may then assign hub_password to a string. This string must be the hub password assigned to you.
This will prevent others from hijacking your hub entry, although you don't have to worry about that because nobody wants to steal a DBZ games' hub entry (unless the DBZ games start to rival and try to hijack eachothers' hub entries for advertising, but that seems unlikely).

But please, for the sake of your general health (and the health of the rest of the community), stay away from the dreaded evil that is called "DBZ".