set category = "Test"
for(var/O in songs)
var/pooo = ("[O] - [File_Size(O)]")
usr << browse(pooo,"window=testy,size=250x300")
All that does is list the first file, is there a way to make it list the whole list?
May 6 2006, 10:39 am (Edited on May 6 2006, 11:00 am)
How do i make stuff keep listing, not just the first thing. like for example:
mob/verb/Test() All that does is list the first file, is there a way to make it list the whole list? |
In response to Lummox JR
Do you think i could get an example of this? I'm more of a visual learner.
In response to Evidence
mob/verb/Test() |
In response to Mysame
Ok, that works, but one more problem, it lists all the songs correctly but when i click one, it goes through all of them asking me if i want to download them.
Test() |
In response to Evidence
<a href=?src=\ref[src];Title=[O];action=songs> You have got your Topic completey wrong its got usr and src in it both pointing at the player.... and your alert code... Test() Etc etc etc |
Some things you do inside loops, some things you do outside. Filling your output with song titles: inside the loop. Clearly that has to be done for every song. Sending the final output: outside the loop.
When you use browse() it sends an entire HTML document. It does not send text one line at a time like you see in ordinary text output. Therefore you have to create an empty string, add to it (and add <br> tags too), then output the whole thing at once via browse().
Lummox JR