I have a few ideas for my game that I dont think i could devise on my own. They are as follows:
Purcahsable and programmable NPC's. NPC's that can be purchased, bred, recruited etc. and then told what to do. They would have a series of orders to be given to them such as: Follow (follows the owner), Follow Person (Shows a view list of who to follow), Stay (stays putand does not move), Guard (stays put and attacks), Protect (Protects the owner), Protect person (Protect a person in view much like Foloow person), Patrol (Gives a coords thingy to state what coords to aprtrol from and to), Stance : Aggresive (Attacks any enemies in sight), Stance Defensive (Attacks enemies in sight that attack them, get within an attack radius or attack the person the NPC is protecting), Stance Passive (Does not attack anything even to the death), Set Radius 1 - 4 (Allows the player to set the NPC's attack raduis for Defensive stance from 1 space to 4 spaces away fromt he NPC).
This way players would be able to take NPC's on raids and sieges with them and will allow for larger scal battles then 3 players on 5 players. The NPC's willalso be ableto lvl up but not past their owner and at a reduced rate.
Replenishing Trees. Since my game focuses on gathering resources and developing and running an economy I would need trees to replenish at different rates depending on a few factors:
Ammount of trees int he area (trees dont grow if theryes not alot of otherones there), density of trees in the area (based on a 10 x 10 region if there were say 30 trees int eh 10 x 10 area then no more would grow), buildings/terrain (Trees dont grow into a house or in water).
Tamable animals. Animals that can be tamed, Bred, mounted, herded, etc. They would be there so that people can go and tame wild animals andthen breed them together with one of the opposite sex to produce offspring. depending on some sepcified variables in the parents (aggresiveness, frtility, health, attack, defense, etc.) the offspring would have traits similar to some of its parents. it would have torevolve around a rand(1,5) thingy so like 1 would be closer to the mother, 3 would be an average and 5 would be closer to the father. Here is an example of this:
Jack tames 2 wolves, a guy and girl. wolf A (WA) has these stats: 32 fertility, 20 aggression, 16 attack, 11 defense, 43 loyalty.
Wolf B (WB) has these stats: 18 fertility, 10 aggression, 20 attack, 14 defense, 21 loyalty.
Jack breeds them. the sucess is decided as a random variable like so 32(A) + 18(B) = 50. so tehre is a 1 in 50 chance it will not work.
The baby is concieved. now to determine its stats. take the difference between the two parents WA and BA (20 and 10) to get 10 (make sure to round the number) and then divide by 5 (2). Now the random variable again. lets say it ends up a 3. smack in the middle. so the pups aggeressiveness is 16. do the same with the other stats and you will then have a unique pet. This will also work for selective breeding, if you breed 2 pets with higher stats, naturally the pups would be stronger. to balance this though there would have to be a reduced fertility rate in the stronger parents.
My main question is would BYOND be able to doall of these things? (especially the NPC and trees things as i have the pets in the works)
May 13 2006, 2:30 pm
May 13 2006, 3:04 pm
BYOND has the capability to do all of those things. However, the question lies here: now that you've written out just what you want, can you make all the event loops and procedures necessary to get it all working?
In response to PirateHead
I am working on my Taming code rightnow because that will probably be the easiest thing to do, once I have that i will probably need some help, if not with my taming aswell...