I've looked at the Demo and it wasn't helpful at all. I'm new to coding so could someone tell me and explain it in laymans terms?

Also I need to know how to make it so if someone builds something(wall,floor, etc.) only Admins and that person can delete it.
You can find mainly what you need here: DM Guide.
There are two parts to this. First, you need an internal criteria for who is an admin. A very nice way to do this is with a list of keys which saves and loads; if the person's key is in that list, the person is an admin. Here's an example:

var/list/admin_keys = new
admin_keys = params2list(text2file("admins.txt")
var/admin_file = file("admins.txt")
admin_file << list2params(admin_keys)
for(var/i in admin_keys)
if(ckey(i) == ckey(key)) return 1
return 0

Then, you can add the is_admin() check to login code of your choice.

Beyond that, you'll need a set of defined "admin abilities" to give to people identified as admins. Usually, these include administration over the connected players and removal of bad players. You can add administration commands a few ways, including adding verbs to the admin's list:
m.verbs += /proc/boot
m.verbs += /proc/slap
m << "You have been booted by an admin, [key]."
del m
slap(mob/m,warning as text)
m << "Your poor behaviour has been noticed by administrators."
if(warning) m << warning
else m << "This is a warning."

Good luck setting up an administration system. For more information, check out libraries like s_admin, which contains loads of administration commands. There are almost certainly more there than you need. :-)