How do i edite the stats on save files? all my dtroys.sav files appears to be unknown file. how do i make it recognised to my pc? is there any other tool where i can use it to edite save file?

P.S. Thanks guys :)
Did anybody ever create a really neat, full-featured save file editor?

I use plaintext format for my save files using Export and Import. It makes things easier to save.
In response to PirateHead
can you be more specific please :) i think i want to know how to identify the .sav file on my PC and how to edite sav files...

i seen some savfileedite demos and libraries... but its not what i am looking for though
In response to Dtroys
This is my Savefile Editor. Its not full-featured or anything and it basically does what PH was saying, using ImportText()/ExportText() to make generic savefiles readable and editable.

If you want more details on how to use those two procs, just look them up in the reference.

I probably should consider full-featuring this thing, since I sure use it enough...
In response to Dtroys
BYOND savefiles are not meant to be edited by a text editor, but you can use the Export methods to export them to text-editable format, and Import to put them back into savefile format.