How do i make it so like say a mob gets a stat() when they enter a party?
I tried adding M.client.statpanel = "Team", didn't work.
May 18 2006, 4:56 am
May 18 2006, 5:13 am
*Is really wanting to know...* :)
In response to Evidence
Wow, you waited about 40 minutes.
if( In the Stat() proc, of course. |
In response to Mysame
But, i have the statpanel defined and junk, but i want it to add it to the person you invite, and only add it to your self when u make one.
In response to Evidence
Which proves you have no idea how to use the code I just presented you with.
In response to Mysame
Ok, i will show the stat() part of the code and you will see clearly it's in it.
mob |
In response to Evidence
You plainly have it defined twice. -.-
In response to Mysame
yeah, in that coding, I believe you start with a Team panel already, and adding another team panel wont do anything different. Take out the first team panel thing, and it should work fine I think.
In response to Chue
Are you trying to add a new statpanel or add a new stat to a panel??? Cause the way you have it the statpanel Team is being called twice....