I need a good auto turf coder, but everone ive used doesnt work, what is a good one?
Zaltrons Auto Turf Coder is really good.
<code>turf icon = 'turfs.dmi' dense icon = 'denseturfs.dmi' density = 1 opaque icon = 'opaqueturfs.dmi' opacity = 1 denseandopaque icon = 'denseandopaqueturfs.dmi' density = 1 opacity = 1</code>

Divide all your turf icons into the files turfs.dmi, denseturfs.dmi, opaqueturfs.dmi, and denseandopaqueturfs.dmi (except for any turfs that require more specialization, like a door, perhaps). Be sure to give names to all the icon states! Now, when you go into the map editor, select one of the turfs, and it'll show up in a little box to the right with its default icon (a dithered grey if there is none). You can right-click on that and select "generate instances from icon states." Now you can place any of those icon_states by just selecting them. You may have to repeat this when editing the map later (if the .rsc file changes, I think).
In response to Evidence
In response to Zaltron
Don't get too cocky; it needs an upgrade. You need to program into it a visual recognition system that can tell what an object is and therefor whether it is dense or not, what type of objects it should be derived from so it can make a tree instead of a line, and determine based on what the object looks like what it should do and thereby program in functions that make it act like what it is.

Smile after you get that done. ;)
In response to Loduwijk
Sorry if this idea has been touched on, you could make like 3 grass states and on world reboot it picks one of the three randomly. That normally looks nice.
In response to Loduwijk
Give me the BYOND source and some training! :| >:P
In response to Zaltron
And a doctorate in computer science. And psychic abilities, and the power to transfer those psychic abilities to the program.
In response to Anon e. Mouse
Anon e. Mouse wrote:
<code>turf > icon = 'turfs.dmi' > dense > icon = 'denseturfs.dmi' > density = 1 > opaque > icon = 'opaqueturfs.dmi' > opacity = 1 > denseandopaque > icon = 'denseandopaqueturfs.dmi' > density = 1 > opacity = 1</code>

Divide all your turf icons into the files turfs.dmi, denseturfs.dmi, opaqueturfs.dmi, and denseandopaqueturfs.dmi (except for any turfs that require more specialization, like a door, perhaps). Be sure to give names to all the icon states! Now, when you go into the map editor, select one of the turfs, and it'll show up in a little box to the right with its default icon (a dithered grey if there is none). You can right-click on that and select "generate instances from icon states." Now you can place any of those icon_states by just selecting them. You may have to repeat this when editing the map later (if the .rsc file changes, I think).

The problem with that is that you cant add custom code later for differant things.