Heyo! I got linux recently, but I really love BYOND games. I tried using a VM, but that resulted in a torture of my CPU and FPS. So I tried to get it running using wine. I installed that "mfc42.dll" like you're supposed to..
But whenever I attempt to launch, I just get stuck at Loading Game Information.. Forever.
Please help me. I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 64bit
edit: works now
Aug 30 2014, 10:30 am (Edited on Sep 16 2020, 3:17 pm)
Aug 31 2014, 7:37 pm
Got IE installed?
I've never really gotten the newer versions to work, so I always spin up a VM you could also wait for the web client to be more usable.
Ah, this is a peace of cake!
Open op terminal. winetricks wsh56 wsh57 jscript mfc42 vcrun6 winetricks ie7 winetricks ie8 (IF YOU HAVE A 64-BIT COMPUTER, THEN DO THIS. IF YOU TRIED IE THE FIRST TIME, JUST TRY INSTALLING IT AFTER THIS) sudo rm -r ~/.wine rm -r ~/.wine (If it can work) After that, WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=~/.wine winecfg |