Does anyone know how to create an easier multi-tile mob that doesnt have to involve cutting up the picture and sorting it out on dmi, then coding it in. Is there a better way to show the mob as just one big icon that doesnt necassarily have to animate. If this makes any sense here it is in code
biggest dragon ever
icon = 'biggest dragon ever.bmp'
/////make sense now?

Well you can refer to coordinates directly on the PNG (which is what you SHOULD be using) using icon_state, like this:

icon_state = "0,0"

Then just add them as pixel offsetted overlays. :)
Try to find DerDragon. He's got a library in the works (don't know quite how complete it is) called BigIcons or something that makes the multi-tiling process a lot easier. Perhaps he can forward a copy and show you how to use it a little?
In response to PirateHead
His procs help, I seem to have the handle of it, except my PNG's dont come up transparent. I tried with bmp and used the transparent color that works but it didnt come up transparent either.
In response to Drakiel
Is it fully transparent, and do you have photoshop? A lot of programs don't save blank space as transparency. Send the picture to me if you don't have photoshop and I'll transparent-ize it. ;)
In response to CaptFalcon33035

That is the img, if you check the size it is exactly
128 x 512 which, in the code, should work. But yeah, it is the same backround as that guys library and his seemed to be transparent.