Flicks did not handle overlays properly.
BYOND Version:507
Operating System:Windows 7 Home Basic
Web Browser:Chrome 37.0.2062.102
Applies to:Webclient
Status: Resolved (507.1250)

This issue has been resolved.
In Epic:Legend, a single flick() for attacking would play the animation multiple times. Also, any overlays on the player's character would become invisible while flick() happened. It should be noted that the flick() bug only occurs if you flick an icon state while not moving.

If you are moving and flick(), it functions normally(however overlays still become invisible during the flick).
Ah, I know the DS code does something special with overlays during flick(); there must be a problem in the logic handling that in the server.

I haven't observed flicks playing more than once in previous tests, but I'll look into it and see what I find.
Sorry, I'll try harder...
I was able to address the issue with overlays, but I'm not seeing evidence of an animation playing multiple times. Do you have a simple test I can run this against (preferably without having to fire up a huge world that takes a long time to start)?
I'm actually going to close this issue, as I think the timing thing is a separate issue anyway. If you have an example of the timing problem I can check, that'd be helpful.
Lummox JR resolved issue with message:
Flicks did not handle overlays properly.