animate() performs very poorly in the webclient, and has a very very large effect on the framerate.
Additionally, it doesn't seem to play nice with pixel offsets.
Screenshot from dream seeker (smooth at 30fps):
Screenshot from webclient (very choppy, <0.5 fps):
Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:
Create an object. Maybe create multiple objects. Give them a pixel offset. animate() them. Observe the framerate.
Code Snippet (if applicable) to Reproduce Problem:
//This is code from the game depicted in the screenshots above.
P.pixel_x = px
P.pixel_y = py
P.icon = trailIcon
animate(P, alpha = 255, time = 0, loop = 0)
animate(alpha = 0, time = 2, loop = 0)
Expected Results:
Pixel offsets are applied consistently, and are unaffected by the animate() calls.
Framerate maintains consistent.
Actual Results:
animate() appears to affect the pixel offsets, despite not receiving new parameters for them in the function call.
framerate drops significantly.
Does the problem occur:
Every time? Or how often?
Every time
In other games?
I have tested this in two games so far.
In other user accounts?
Seems irrelevant.
On other computers?
When does the problem NOT occur?
Don't know.
Did the problem NOT occur in any earlier versions? If so, what was the last version that worked? (Visit to download old versions for testing.)
Not applicable.
Perhaps work the pixel offsets into the animate(), to resolve the pixel offsets getting messed up.
Framerate is still negatively impacted, regardless.
[Edit] There appears to be a hardware-acceleration setting in Firefox-- make sure that's on. We should report this information.