my cops dont arrest the npc's or the other cops, but whether I'm innocent or not they arrest me. I have a variable wanted which is YES or NO but when I call it in the script it is not taken in account

icon = 'copper.dmi'


// Before moving, the cops see if there is someone to arrest within 1 space.
for (var/mob/other_mob in oview(1, src))
// Don't arrest if it's an innocent pc, npc or another cop
if (wanted == "NO" ||(istype(other_mob, /mob/npc ) || istype(other_mob, /mob/cop )))

action_taken = 1

// No one to attack, so see if a non-cop is within 3 spaces to move towards.
for (var/mob/other_mob in oview(3, src))
if (wanted == "NO" ||(istype(other_mob, /mob/npc ) || istype(other_mob, /mob/cop )) )

view(src) << "[src] is going after [other_mob]!"
step_towards(src, other_mob)
action_taken = 1

if (action_taken)

// No one around, do default behavior.

Ive tried usr.wanted and other ideas but to no avail.
the problem is in this part:

if (wanted == "NO" ...etc

class = "musician"
icon = 'player mobs.dmi'
icon_state = "musician_m"
maxhp = 50
hp = 50
show = 10
gold = 10
wanted = "NO"
try changing if(Wanted="Yes") to
wanted = 0

//your code
if(Wanted = 0)
//your code
if(Wanted = 1)
//code here

That should fix it but I'm not in a position to test it right now - don't have BYOND installed in cybercafes :(
also to close dm use /dm
In response to TheLunarWolf
Thanks, in fact whilst changing all the NO s into zeros, I found a 'no' which was my problem.
Clearly, I must write down all my variables more clearly, maybe on a bit of paper next to my computer.
In response to Eurobusker
no problem, glad I could help.
In response to TheLunarWolf
actually it dont work.
In response to Eurobusker
what errors are you getting?
In response to TheLunarWolf
Indeed. Being as clear as possible is important if you want help, Eurobusker. =)

> mob/cop
> icon = 'copper.dmi'
> TakeAction()
> var/action_taken
> // Before moving, the cops see if there is someone to arrest within 1 space.
> for (var/mob/other_mob in oview(1, src))
> // Don't arrest if it's an innocent pc, npc or another cop
> if (other_mob.wanted == "NO" ||(istype(other_mob, /mob/npc ) || istype(other_mob, /mob/cop )))
> continue
> Arrest(other_mob)
> action_taken = 1
> // No one to attack, so see if a non-cop is within 3 spaces to move towards.
> for (var/mob/other_mob in oview(3, src))
> if (other_mob.wanted == "NO" ||(istype(other_mob, /mob/npc ) || istype(other_mob, /mob/cop )) )
> continue
> view(src) << "[src] is going after [other_mob]!"
> step_towards(src, other_mob)
> action_taken = 1
> if (action_taken)
> return
> // No one around, do default behavior.
> ..()

'wanted' refers to src. other_mob.wanted refers to the other_mob's wanted variable. Going into a for() loop doesn't change src to other_mob.
In response to Alathon
COOL that works! youre right, of course "other_mob.wanted" will refer to my player at each cycle. thank you very much