i was trying to make it so my icons, which are generally 64x32 (two byond icons stacked ontop of eachother, not overlapping), will be attached upon world start up. To do so i created a variable for each obj named head. Then i tried to make a for loop to check for the objs that had a value for the var head so that it would create the overlay over that icon, but this last step i do not know how to do

i don't know how to attach the overlay so that it is above the icon instead of it just overlapping at the bottom of the icon. 'Elp pleases!

basically i have

for(var/obj/NPC/o in world)
if(o.head != null)
o.icon_state = o.icon_state
o.overlays += new o.head
usr << "<B>No head value for [o]!</B>"

and then i just call this proc upon world start up

or should somthing like this be in the code problem? (I wasn't sure since its kind of like a "How do i do this?" question)
Ummm... nevermind, i forgot to place the

pixel_y = 32

in with the coding for the head part of the icon, >.>