I have a lot of questions about text so i am going to number them and if you answer them plz say the one you are answering ty..

1.) How can you make ot so they can go to commands and hit the word blue button and the text changes to blue
2.) How do u make text bigger
Argh, please... oh for the lord of whatever god you worship and the alimighty (don't get me started on technicallities about gods... my base theory to try to calm religious fights about 'who is the true god' is that there are many different gods [eg: Zeus, Neptune... wait, wasn't he a Titan...meh, etc] but only one alimighty (noticed that some religions had a common god: one who is said to create all... thus I call 'im the almighty...

Er, there I go rambling... ignore the last paragraph. Lemme start all over:

Argh, please... oh for the kindess for BYOND forum readers, please... PLEASE, OH I BEG OF YOU, re-read your post to reduce any grammer/spelling mistakes which help avoid potential misunderstanidng (such as your coding level...)


1) um... say what? What exactly you mean by "they can go to coomands click on"? Do you mean some sort of option to change the font color? If so, see the example

2) browse() and Topic().... please, read the DM guide... or better yet, tutorials (Developers FAQ)... heck, even yet, use that thing on the top right known as the 'Search bar'...sheesh

usr.fontxt = input("Select the colour","Colour",usr.fontxt) in list ("Blue","Red")

mob/verb/OOCZNESS(msg as text)
world<<"<font color=[usr.fontxt]>[msg]</font>"

Too lazy to explain >.>

- GhostAnime

Edit: Sorry if I made you cry, I am hungry like ..uhhh... Yajirobi (DBZ) and Chouji (Naruto) fused into one... *shudders at the image*
In response to GhostAnime
OKay number 1 that is what i mean but i put in your examples and well..

then i get inconsistent indentation...with 8 errors

what i have is the regular say stuf then what u typed what am i doind worng??
In response to Becb2
1) I meant make it more clearer as what you want in #1 because I do not know what you mean at all by it... and I mean at all :( I thought I finally mastered the noob language but guess not :( (Insult not intended...strangely enough)

2) Examples are to be learned from, not copy/pasted [Assuming here that you did] (Most people who shows a snippet adds in a few surprises to stop the people from copy/pasting and make them actually read/learn from it beforehand). For inconsistent's error, do this: Developers FAQ > ErrorCodes ... read

my example was showing one way of colouring fonts with a simple mean of a variable storing it's information and calling it out in the say.

- GhostAnime
In response to GhostAnime
OKay....I am very new to coding and this is all i want...

1.) A way that u can click on word blue in commands and your text turns to blue..

@.) a way to make your text bigger..
In response to Becb2
Learn simple html.
<code><font style="red" size="2">text</font></code>
But that would then be the same for all chars. Well, BYOND has lovely, lovely variables, also referred to as "vars".
var // Create the variables
colour // Make a var named "colour", which is null (blank) by default
size // Same as 'colour'

mob/verb/Say(msg as text) // Make a Say() verb.
world<<"[usr]: <font color=[usr.colour] size=[usr.size]>[html_encode(msg)]</font>" // There! Adds their own preferences of colour and size to the HTML.
// And the html_encode() proc disables the players from using HTML in their messages (except the HTML we added, of course..)

var/variable=input("What do you wish to change?") in null|list("Colour","Size") // Ask them what setting they wish to change, and they can choose either 'Colour' or 'Size'
// Ow, and the null| means that they have a cancel button. Witty, huh.
if(!variable)return // If the player cancelled, return and do nothing.
if(variable=="Colour") usr.colour=input("What text colour do you want?") in null|list("blue","red","yellow","green")
// If the 'variable' var is the text-string "Colour", let them choose what to change."
else usr.size=input("What size?") as null|num // Let them enter a size in number-form.

Either way, a good thing for you to do is read the DM Guide, it has some few bad examples in it, yeah, but it's still the best resource for beginning coders.