How would I go about making a obj that you can use that displays a persons inventory and you can choose whatever you want and it deletes that item. In other words....a trash that can deletes obj's.
Your not being exactly totally clear..
Do you want a trashcan where people can dump their OWN items?
Or do you want an Admin verb that can delete other peoples items?
In response to Flame Sage
Were people can delete there own things - notice title.
Sort of like a bank thing....except instead of saving items it deletes them lol.

In response to Drakiel
try this

if(src in oview())
O=input("Trash what item?","Trash Can") in usr.contents
del O

You might want to check if they still want to trash the item

You could make this a verb...
In response to Shlaklava
Mac-style drag-n-drop goodness!

if (ovr && ovr != src && \
ovr:type == /obj/trashcan && src_loc == "Inventory")
del src

Of course, rather than deleting you could also:

and in your Stat() command, have one of these:

if (statpanel("Trash"))
var/obj/trashcan/t = locate(/obj/trashcan) in contents
if (t)

probably with some extra verbs to recover items from the trash, empty the trashcan, etc.