I want to make a money verb that the user can drop a certain amount of money. I also want to be able to store a number into an obj named money. I was thinking of having an obj/var/gold for the gold contained in the bag of money, then have a mob/var/amount and do gold = amount so that the bag contains the amount of gold. Is this the right way of doing this? Also, the topic is my main question :) (usr drops [amount] of money!) something like that.
var/amt = input("How much to drop") as num

That should get you started.
In response to Talion Knight
Although that's a start, you should also make sure of the following:

1) The amount isn't negative.
2) The player has enough gold to drop.
3) The player has the ability to cancel.

I'll leave you to figure out how to achieve points 1 and 2, as for point 3:

var/amt = input("How much to drop") as num|null //adds a cancel option
if(amt) //if the player chooses cancel, the code continues, but amt will be null.
//our if() will check that amt has a non-zero value.

In response to DeathAwaitsU
Good call there. Don't know how missed something as simple as that :\
In response to DeathAwaitsU
Don't forget if the player has enough gold to drop.

var/amt = input("How much to drop") as num|null //adds a cancel option
if(( - amt) > 0)
//our if() will check that amt has a non-zero value.
In response to BeyondPower
BeyondPower wrote:
Don't forget if the player has enough gold to drop.

> mob/verb
> dropgold()
> var/amt = input("How much to drop") as num|null //adds a cancel option
> if(( - amt) > 0)
> //our if() will check that amt has a non-zero value.

I didn't forget. If you read my post more closely, you'll notice I said "I'll leave you to figure out points 1 and 2".

As for your example, you should actually do if( - amt >= 0) so that the player can drop all his money.
In response to DeathAwaitsU
Ok, was just wondering if I was on the right track. I can do all that stuff. The problem I'm having is making a gold icon appear after the usr drops the gold and have that obj hold the amount specified. Can't get the variables right. Do I use atom, obj, mob? That's the part I can't figure out. Oh and I got the answer to everything else, thanks.

P.S. I have the code for the checking of 1,2,and 3. ;)

Well to summarize what I'm asking:
1)storing a value to obj/gold that will be accessible by mob/player. for ex:
obj/gold = 100
//mob uses get when one space away...
mob/player/gold += (src)

Something like that for picking up the gold bag and adding it to his money.

2)drawing a new obj/gold icon where the usr dropped gold

3)I can't remember what the third one was...>.<
In response to SuperSonicD
Make sure to round() too!
In response to SuperSonicD
You could do something like this:

var/amount = 0
icon = 'goldbag.dmi'

var/gold = input("How much do you want to drop?") as num|null
if(gold && gold>0 && gold<
var/obj/Gold_Bag/G = new(usr.loc) //creates a new Gold_Bag where the player is standing.
//the bag is now referenced as G.
G.amount = gold //set G's value to what we inputted -= gold

for(var/obj/Gold_Bag/G in usr.loc) //search for any Gold_Bags underneath us += G.amount //increase our own gold by G's amount
del(G) //delete the bag so that it can't be picked up again


And as Flame Sage suggests, you may want to round() some values so that we're not dealing with 10.0356 gold.
hub://Crashed.crashMoney :)