/* These are simple defaults for your project. */
world version=1 loop_checks=1 tick_lag=1 view = 12 mob=/mob name="Sword Art Online" map_format=TOPDOWN_MAP status="<font size=-2><font color=red>Loading...</font></font>" hub="Yoshino21.Sword Art Online" New() ..() log="Log.txt" client script="<STYLE>BODY {background: black; color: #999999;font-size: -2;font-weight: bold;font-family:Tahoma}</STYLE>" perspective=EDGE_PERSPECTIVE Del() ..() New() ..() winset(src,"mapwindow.map","icon-size=32")
// Make objects move 8 pixels per tick when walking
mob step_size = 16
obj step_size = 16
mob verb say(msg as text) set category="Channel" //what the usr says is passed into "msg" as text world << "[usr]: [msg]" //the world sees chatroom-like output OOC(msg as text) set category="Channel" world << "[usr]: [msg]"
mob Login() world << "[src]: Is now online!" Mob_Selection() // the proc we're gonna make if(prob(60)) src.loc = locate(40,46,1) else src.loc = locate(40,46,1) Logout() world << "[src]: Is now offline!" mob proc Mob_Selection() // the proc we're making switch(alert("Login","","New","Load","Delete")) if("New") name = input("Character Name?") as text switch(alert("Gender","","Male","Female")) if("Male") Mob_Selection = "Male" if("Female") Mob_Selection = "Female" else if("Load") src << "You chose to continue the Death Game!" if("Delete") src << "You chose to commit suicide!" ..() proc Create() mob var/Cansave var/Logged var/Saving <dm>
<b>The damn thing gives me my choices but two things aren't working that being my characters stats which are defined do not show up and when female is chosen I still get male.</b>
You need something in those empty quotation marks so when you select female you'll actually be a female.
Post the code of your other problem if you want help there. And what's the point of both say and ooc verbs when they're the same in your code Lol