Ok, question: Is there a way to make the screen size big by default?
Clarification: There are these settings: small, big, text. I want it to go to big by defualt, cuz right now it goes to small and I don't want that.
![]() Jul 22 2006, 7:54 pm
![]() Jul 22 2006, 8:17 pm
The reason it goes small is because your resolution can't handle the size of the screen and still have DreamMaker show up. As in, 21*21 can not be played on a resolution of 1024*724.
It's not me personally, it's people playing the game. And when they set it large it still fits it just forces an icon tab. I understand WHY it's changing it, I'm asking if there's a way to force it to not change.
Well, you can't h4x0r their settings and see which resolution they're on ... Try giving them an option in the beginning of the game, asking them which resolution they're on, and then switch their client.view to match that resolution.